All high school students (grades 9-12) and middle school students (grades 6-8) of St. John are invited to participate in our vibrant youth group, Oasis Lutheran Youth Fellowship, which also includes youth from St. Paul Preble and Zion Friedheim. All of our activities give youth the opportunity to connect with Christ and one another in fun new ways.
The high school youth gather regularly on Sunday evenings for Bible study and games. They also participate in community service projects, quarterly retreats, and an annual week-long summer mission trip.
The middle school youth gather monthly with events altering between community service projects and outings such as ice skating or laser tag.
All middle school and high school youth are encouraged to serve in the church by participating in our handbell choir, vocal choir, lenten meals, and social events. Please contact Pastor Brockfor more information.
Students and adults actively involved in our youth group that display leadership skills are invited to serve on the Oasis Youth Planning Team. The primary duties of this team include: attendance at all monthly team meetings, event planning, accounting the Oasis LYF finances, promoting and personally inviting students to youth activities, and acting as representatives of Oasis LYF to the church councils and voters assemblies.